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Regtransfers Blog

A campaign against electric cars?

A businessman reading a tablet nearby a charging station

Throughout July 2023, the Mail Online website published a conspicuously large number of pessimistic EV stories. On some occasions, multiple EV headlines appeared per day. We take a closer look.

Electric vehicle incentives: do they exist?

Electric vehicle being charged

It is hard to escape the climate change issue. The subject constantly dominates headlines around the world - and with good reason. If the scientific models are at all accurate, then the event itself will be even more difficult to escape from than those headlines. It is a reckless government indeed that swims against the tide of public concern.

DVLA Auction July 2023

DVLA Auction July 2023

DVLA's July auction was a timed online event that ran from Wednesday 26th July to Tuesday 1st August 2023. The auctions are always interesting but the July sale was pretty exceptional, as you'll see.

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