When it comes to private number plates, journalists invariably ask one (or both) of two questions: "Is it expensive?" and "Is it rude?"
Yes, investigative reporting really is alive and well, so we weren't too surprised when the UK's media suddenly got quite excited about one of our (very) personal number plates.
ORG 45M clearly resembles a word and is seen by many, including us, as great fun. The papers and news websites led the pack, with The Mirror, The Sun, Ladbible.com, Walesonline.com and countless others working themselves into a passionate frenzy over it. The telly soon caught up and Jeremy Vine's Channel 5 show also featured our ORG 45M.
Can my car have one?
Quite a range of vehicles have experienced ORG 45M. In its time it has graced a BMW and even a moped, so something about it evidently appeals to all sorts of drivers and riders. Its renewed fame has prompted many enquiries about the number, which is currently advertised on our website at £150,000 and if the level of interest is anything to go by, it may not be there for much longer.
The Jeremy Vine Show
We were particularly amused by one aspect of the current buzz surrounding the registration. On the Jeremy Vine Show, journalist Dawn Neesom recalled how, as a young, female employee in The Sun's office during the 1990s, she was asked to don a low-cut top and pose in a sports car bearing the registration ORG 45M.
Driving around, I think it was the M25, in a bright red Ferrari with that (plate) on it. Obviously I was quite a bit younger by the way. I got quite a reaction!
Also on the show was writer and presenter Samantha Renke, who quipped, "If anyone wants to buy it for me for my wheelchair, give me a call".
A few years after Ms Neesom's wardrobe-managed outing in the classic male-compensatory supercar, The Sun declined to run one of Regtransfers' regular advertisements because it prominently included the registration number PEN 15. Apparently, this was unsuitable for publication in a family paper made famous by its photographs of unclothed models. Not long afterwards, that paper quite happily ran an article about a gentleman whose prodigious development in a related bodily area was deemed worthy of newspaper coverage.
But who can understand the tabloid world? A realm where it is still the 1970s and even non-slang words like penis and orgasm are enough to get journalists sniggering behind their hands as they channel the ghost of Benny Hill.
Oh well, if you can't beat them we suppose you may as well join them so, if you fancy an ORG 45M of your own, give us a call and we'll see if we can help. Ooh, Matron…
If you would like more information about ORG 45M, or about private registrations in general, please contact Regtransfers on 01582 967777 or email [email protected].