We are not ashamed to admit to an obsession with online security. News and current affairs media deliver a constant stream of reports detailing attacks on individuals and organisations. These assaults on the world's data and services take many forms: hacks, viruses and malware, denial-of-service attacks, phishing... One of the few things these threats have in common is that they are largely preventable if sufficient expertise and resources are invested in robust and up-to-date security measures.
Regtransfers is proud to reassure our customers that cyber security is at the top of our list of priorities. Regtransfers is certified PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant. This means that we meet very stringent e-commerce and data security standards set by the major credit card companies. We partner with industry leaders such as Cylance and Thawte to ensure that our in-house networks and company website are protected against malicious activity or intrusion. Cylance has provided clients such as Regtransfers with indispensable protection against many headline-grabbing exploits, including the WannaCry (AKA Wannacrypt)/EternalBlue threat that attacked many health and other institutions around the world in May 2017.
See their website article here: Cylance vs Wannacry article. While many business wrung their hands in despair, we breathed a sigh of thanks for our effective in-house and outsourced cyber security measures.

Regtransfers ensures that our entire website runs on secure servers, and that all online transactions are protected at every stage. Our internal systems use up-to-date technology and all security patches and updates are applied as soon as they are issued. All Regtransfers staff receive comprehensive and ongoing training in aspects of cyber security and data protection and vigilance is regularly tested by scheduled checks and assessments.
Your data and transactions don't get much safer than this.