It's a biggie!
That's right, the latest issue of our unique, free magazine is our 50th and 2020 marks our 17th year of publication. It hardly seems possible. Fans of supercars won't want to miss this edition, as we take you on a visit to the UK's most exciting luxury and performance car showroom. Carl Hartley of the famous Tom Hartley dealership in South Derbyshire welcomed us to the company's breathtaking new facility for an exclusive interview and photoshoot. We've seen a few cars in our time, but nothing like this.
In addition to our feature on Carl and his spectacular premises, this issue also contains the usual great mix of great car photos, customer stories and stellar listings of the UK's very best private registrations for sale. It's a real milestone: don't forget to order your copy for posterity. It's completely free - postage and packaging is on us.
We launched The World of Personal Number Plates in November 2003. We've told the tale several times of how our MD decided to replace our modest sales brochure with a full-sized, full-colour, glossy magazine and we've also mentioned before that we found the prospect a little daunting. Looking back we shouldn't have worried: the Regtransfers marketing team already included experienced, professional writers, photographers and designers as well as a couple of pedantic and eagle-eyed proofreaders. Everything was already in place: all we'd been waiting for was someone to have the excellent idea.
We're very proud of The World of Personal Number Plates. With a print run that demand has forced up to an incredible 325,000 copies, it is a unique achievement and we all thoroughly enjoy putting it together for you, especially the roving team that gets to swan off meeting celebrities while the rest of us toil away in the real world. It's so unfair.
- We also have an online exclusive library of back issues available. Just in case you would like to catch up on any older issues.