The first registration number series of 2025 will be the 25 series. The 25 series numbers will be eligible for use on the roads from 1st March 2025, and will be followed by the 75 series in September 2025.
A popular unpopular tradition
Every registration series released is incomplete. DVLA always withholds a subset of vehicle registration numbers (VRNs) that it considers to be potentially offensive, distressing or provocative. It's become something of a tradition: DVLA censors the number plates and we write about it.
There are two evergreen number plate topics that never get old. If we are contacted by a journalist, the questions they ask will most likely concern the world's most expensive number plates, the UK's most expensive plates or rude/offensive number plates (especially if they've been banned). Apparently, people love to hear about big prices and censorship.
What gets banned?
The combinations that DVLA keep back are those that may represent insults, swear words, sexual references, references to criminal organisations and activity, references to terrorism, references to drugs, references with racist, sexist or LGBTQ+ connotations, some political and religious references etc. You get the idea.
Quite where the censor's line is drawn can sometimes be a little hard to fathom. Occasionally surprising combinations do slip through and get issued while numbers which, to us, seem less controversial get withheld. The level of potential contention is clearly a very subjective assessment.
What's banned this time?
Regtransfers obtained the full list of numbers withheld from the 25 series via a Freedom of Information request.
Amongst those not destined to see the light of day this time are several wildcard ranges. These are entire groups of registrations that share a string of characters deemed to be unsuitable for release. Below are some of those groups. (Asterisks is a wildcard character which stands for any character that could be inserted.)
**25 HAG, **25 HAT, **25 LAG, **25 LUT, **25 PAS, **25 PAZ, **25 RUS, **25 TAB, **25 UKR.
So, if we take the first example, the last few characters could be read as a reference to sexual activity, so the wildcard characters mean that all registrations ending with this string of characters are being withheld.
Individual registrations singled out for exclusion include a number that contain apparent references to war, such as AR25 WAR, EU25 WAR, GB25 WAR, GO25 WAR and others. PE25 RVT and PE25 VRT somewhat resemble the word "pervert", and the groups PS25 CHO, PU25 MAD, CR25 PLE, CR25 PPL and the groups **25 PAS and **25 PAZ can all be interpreted as ableist slurs.
Then, of course, there are the usual drug and violence-related exclusions, such as DD25 UGD, DD25 UGG and DD25 UGS and the group **25 TAB.
Banned 2025 number plates |
**25 HAG |
**25 HAT |
**25 LAG |
**25 LUT |
**25 PAS |
**25 PAZ |
**25 RUS |
**25 TAB |
**25 UKR |
*A25 YAN |
*J25 EWW |
*J25 EWZ |
AA25 HLE |
AA25 HOL |
AA25 OLE |
AA25 RSE |
AA25 RYN |
AA25 SOL |
AB25 ORT |
AD25 UGY |
AD25 UNK |
AH25 OMO |
AR25 BOY |
AR25 EEE |
AR25 EES |
AR25 EEX |
AR25 EEY |
AR25 EOL |
AR25 EXX |
AR25 EYY |
AR25 FUL |
AR25 FUN |
AR25 FWC |
AR25 GAY |
AR25 HLE |
AR25 HOL |
AR25 LAD |
AR25 OL* |
AR25 SE* |
AR25 WAR |
AR25 YAN |
AS25 BOY |
AS25 FUL |
AS25 FWC |
AS25 GAY |
AS25 HLE |
AS25 HOL |
AS25 LAD |
AS25 OL* |
AS25 STD |
AU25 WTS |
AU25 WTZ |
AW25 NKR |
AW25 NKS |
BA25 TAD |
BA25 TRD |
BA25 TUD |
BJ25 EXX |
BJ25 EXY |
BO25 LOX |
CO25 CKZ |
CR25 PLE |
CR25 PPL |
DD25 UGD |
DD25 UGG |
DD25 UGS |
DD25 UGY |
DD25 UGZ |
DD25 UNK |
EU25 BAD |
EU25 BOM |
EU25 FWC |
EU25 HTR |
EU25 OFF |
EU25 SHT |
EU25 WAR |
FA25 GAT |
FA25 GTS |
FA25 GTT |
FA25 NNY |
FF25 KED |
FF25 KER |
FK25 EXX |
FK25 EXY |
FK25 VAJ |
GA25 AJU |
GA25 BOM |
GA25 CMP |
GA25 GAY |
GA25 HER |
GA25 JEU |
GA25 JUD |
GA25 KLL |
GA25 NAS |
GA25 NAZ |
GA25 OVN |
GA25 YOU |
GA25 ZAA |
GA25 ZAX |
GB25 BAD |
GB25 BOM |
GB25 DED |
GB25 DWN |
GB25 FKT |
GB25 GNG |
GB25 GUN |
GB25 HTR |
GB25 KLL |
GB25 KLR |
GB25 KLS |
GB25 MOB |
GB25 SHT |
GB25 WAR |
GO25 HEL |
GO25 HLL |
GO25 SHT |
GO25 WAR |
HE25 HEX |
JE25 US* |
JU25 CMP |
JU25 NAS |
JU25 NAZ |
JU25 OVN |
KR25 PLE |
LE25 BOO |
LE25 BOS |
LE25 BOX |
LE25 BOZ |
LE25 DYK |
LE25 ZAA |
LE25 ZAR |
LE25 ZAS |
LE25 ZAX |
LE25 ZAZ |
LE25 ZBO |
LE25 ZER |
LE25 ZRR |
LE25 ZRS |
LE25 ZZA |
LE25 ZZR |
MA25 WAR |
MG25 WAR |
MU25 DER |
NA25 TZE |
NF25 NAZ |
NF25 WAR |
NF25 XRW |
NG25 NOG |
NO25 LEZ |
OD25 UGY |
OD25 UNK |
OR25 ASM |
PE25 ADO |
PE25 RVT |
PE25 VRT |
PS25 CHO |
PU25 MAD |
PU25 SAY |
PU25 SEY |
PU25 SYS |
PU25 SYY |
RE25 ARD |
RE25 TAD |
RE25 TRD |
SC25 OTE |
SC25 OTM |
SC25 TUM |
ST25 ABB |
ST25 ABS |
TE25 ROR |
TO25 ERR |
TO25 ERS |
TO25 ERZ |
TO25 OFF |
TO25 POT |
TO25 RAH |
TW25 WAT |
UA25 HLE |
UA25 HOL |
UA25 OLE |
UA25 RSE |
UA25 SOL |
UD25 UGY |
UD25 UNK |
US25 WAR |
UW25 NKR |
UW25 NKS |
VA25 GNA |
WA25 TED |
WW25 NKR |
WW25 NKS |
XA25 HLE |
XA25 HOL |
XA25 OLE |
XA25 RSE |
XA25 SOL |
XD25 UGD |
XD25 UGG |
XD25 UGS |
XD25 UGY |
XD25 UGZ |
XD25 UNK |
YA25 DEE |
YA25 DYS |
YA25 DYY |
YE25 DTH |
YE25 MEN |
YE25 WAR |
YS25 DTH |
YS25 WAR |
The eye of the beholder
As well as deciding which registrations could cause a kerfuffle, another tricky judgement is how closely a suppressed registration actually resembles the unacceptable term it is supposed to represent. Take, for example, ORG 45M: this combination (which is currently for sale from Regtransfers) was issued, despite its sexual reference and the fact that it is very clearly readable at a glance. On the other hand, the registration OR25 ASM, a slightly less clear representation, is one of those which has been banned from issue as part of the 25 series.
These are paragons of clarity compared to some of the cryptic combinations that get withheld. Some can only be decoded by wearing strong prescription glasses, closing one eye and squinting with the other. And even then only if you already know the answer.
Others require interpretation and a little guesswork. For example, GB25 DWN may seem meaningless at first glance, but when we look at similar banned numbers, such as GB25 BAD, GB25 BOM, GB25 KLL, GB25 SHT and GB25 WAR, we begin to see that they could be read as anti-British sentiments. This interpretation seems to be supported by the fact that DVLA banned similar plates in the 24 series.
In the end, none of these registration numbers carries any intended message or meaning beyond their official raison d'etre, which is to identify and distinguish motor vehicles. That is what the combinations were contrived for, and that is all the combinations were contrived for. Everything beyond that function, everything that makes registration numbers interesting, amusing, desirable and valuable, is perception. It's really quite extraordinary when you think about it.
Anyway, the full list appears in the table on this page. See which you can figure out and which ones just seem baffling; also, see if you think the combinations you can understand seem deserving of a ban or if they seem harmless. We'd be interested to hear your opinions via our social media channels.