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News and Comment

Easing the pain of petrol prices


Everything is up. Especially diesel and petrol where we now find it - sometimes in short supply - for as much as 180p per litre. Up like a rocket and down like a feather, there isn't a lot we can do about the price. We can do a few simple things to help get more out of our fuel.

State of the automotive industry

unfinished vehicles

The motor trade is used to ups and downs but at the time of writing we are seeing a prolonged period of supply issues affecting both imported and domestically produced vehicles. A number of factors have coincided and combined to create a situation that is unlikely to be resolved any time soon. Consequently, prices and buying habits are changing.

A guide to evil number plates

HAS 666

The ultimate guide to evil number plates. Not really, we're just joking, but after some of the nonsense we've read on the subject over the years, one might be excused for thinking that the country's morality is under threat.

Private number plates: defying the odds


A few days ago the press cottoned on to the fact that private plates are still a lucrative investment and that the market is as lively as it ever was. "Plate Prices Boom!" they declared, and "Top Prices Paid!".

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